We are a discussion group to provide a forum for critical debate about all aspects of Christianity. It allows us to examine our faith and to explore different interpretations of the Christian story, to be free from the constraints of institutionalised Christianity and to enable us to make our own journey of discovery.
We are a group of about 10 people, mainly from local Methodist churches. Usually there are 6-8 at each meeting which is small enough to allow everyone to contribute.
We meet in person at Ruislip Manor or Ruislip Methodist Church or via Zoom, around once a month in the evening.
We welcome all who wish to share and promote an open Christian understanding.
The group is affiliated to the Progressive Christian Network (Britain)
We tend to plan in the short term.
Topics we have covered include:
- “Made of Stories” – Some short DVD’s produced by PCN.
- Jesus Then & Now – A booklet by John Simmonds, part of the Together in Hope series.
- Planning for Local Arrangement Church services on a Sunday Morning.
- Prayer, meditation, poems on a theme.
- #SheToo, a seven-part podcast series exploring some of the texts that include violence against women in the Bible.
- A DVD series entitled 'Everything Must Change; Jesus, Global Crisis, and a Revolution of Hope' (a book by Brian McLaren). This DVD study aims to help participants discover what the life and teaching of Jesus has to say about the most critical global problems facing our world today.
For more details of when we are next meeting please contact:
Val Graham
0781 6237211